
Dear Exhibitors!

To publish information about the company in the electronic catalog of the exhibition, we ask you to provide text information and a full-color logo by September 1, 2023.

We remind you that only after filling out the application and submitting information to the electronic catalog of the exhibition, the Exhibitor's personal account will be created, a necessary and important tool for participation in the exhibition. It is possible to apply for participation in the NEW PRODUCT SHOWCASE and issue badges only through your personal account.

Please note that access to the personal account will be opened to the e-mail specified in the application. All important information on the organization of the exhibition will be sent to the same email address.

The text about the company in Russian and English should contain no more than 500 characters with spaces in each language. It specifies: the name of the company, country, address, phone, fax, email address, website address, a brief description of the product or type of activity.

Acceptable image file formats:

– eps, ai (fonts are converted to curves, imported images are included in the layout and have a resolution of at least 300 dpi),

– CMYK without additional channels, tif (300 dpi, CMYK, without paths and additional channels), jpeg (300 dpi, CMYK, without paths and additional channels, minimal compression). The amount of paints should not exceed 300.

The placement of information in the electronic catalog is included in the registration fee. Use this additional opportunity to tell visitors about yourself and your products!

The online catalog of the exhibition is placed on the website and mobile application, it is very much in demand by visitors of the exhibition, because these are your present and future buyers and consumers of services.

Attention: the organizers are not responsible if the information provided about the company in the official exhibition catalog is incorrect, and reserve the right to edit the text part in the presence of inaccuracies or errors.

For placement, you need to fill out an ON-LINE application. A link to the online application will be sent to each exhibitor after registration of participation.


Important! Information from the catalogs of previous years is not transferred.

Organizing Committee of the exhibition «ParkZoo»